Gene Timm, CCA

Certified Crop Insurance Agent

Gene grew up on a farm outside of Monon. After graduating from North White High School, Gene attended Purdue and completed his undergraduate degree in Agricultural Education in 1972. Gene taught high school agriculture for five years, first in Florida, then at Clinton Central. In 1976 Gene came to work with Wade Fulmer, his stepfather, at Fulmer Seed & Service. In 1987 Gene began working with crop insurance, and he continues to work in both

You can contact Gene directly at


Mike McKay

Certified Crop Insurance Agent

Mike_familyPrior to coming to work full-time at Timm Services in August 2007, Mike spent eleven years teaching wood shop, construction, and drafting classes at Kankakee Valley High School. Mike graduated from South Putnam High School, received an undergraduate degree in Industrial Technology Education from Purdue in 1996, and a masters degree in School Administration from Indiana State in 2003. Mike enjoys everything outdoors (hiking, biking, camping, kayaking), football, and baseball.

You can contact Mike directly at

Valerie McKay

Office Manager & Underwriter

Valerie has been working at Timm Services since 1998. She graduated from West Central High School, then graduated from Purdue in 1996 with a degree in Management. Valerie married Mike right out of high school, and she is the mother of four great kids: Drew (16), Alex (14), Brenna (9), and Braden (5). Her interests include sewing, crafts of all kinds, and reading.

You can contact Valerie directly at

Larry Timm of Fillmore

Insurance Sales

Graduating from Purdue in '69, Larry taught Vo Ag for five years before retiring from Pioneer. He is active with Soil & Water and a licensed agent.

You can contact Larry at

Dan Ribordy of Valpo

Insurance Sales

You can contact Dan directly at